Horticulture – Extensive farming

Ortofrutta rev 2 GB-1

The fields of application of flame weeding are manifold. The maximum benefits attained are higher added value on the cultivated product due to the use of a 100% eco-friendly flame weeding technique.

Besides, this technique can be repeated several times on the same crop and soil. It can also be applied relatively frequently (every 20-30 days) without causing any damage to either crop or soil.

Considering all these facts, it is clear why flame weeding is so widespread in intensive farming, such as in rapid-cycle leaf vegetables (rocket, green leaves, valerian, etc.) and vegetables cultivated in rows such as potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, fennel, etc.

Another flame weeding application on intensive farming is flame weeding medicinal herbs, mainly those long-term production plants from which leaves are harvested.

The method to apply the flame weeding technique may depend on different factors:

  • cultivation period
  • seeding or transplant method
  • plant life cycle before harvest
  • repetitive cultivation cycles on the same soil

IV Range

Low Environmental Impact

Ortofrutta rev 2 GB-1


According to these factors different application methods of the flame weeding technique can be applied according to different purposes:

  • Crop pre-seeding weeding
  • Crop pre-emergence weeding
  • Crop post-emergence weeding, in rows
  • Crop pre-harvest weeding
  • Operations to eliminate cultivation waste and sterilisation seedbeds
  • Fighting fungal diseases